Multifunctional Buildings


12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
hepia, Rue de la Prairie 4


See the location




The most attractive cities are those whose structure is formed by a complex web of functions and activities. This density and complementarity of functions have a very positive impact on the balance of the social and economic fabric. A flexibility and adaptability of buildings to changes in society, work and leisure must respond to new challenges and transformations of cities: scarcity and high price of land, need to reduce energy needs, emissions of greenhouse gases etc.

The MADE group (HEPIA) looks for innovative and alternative typological devices to generate sustainable construction methods and to respond to the urban challenges of cities. The research focuses on the multifunctional building that combines different types of programs or functions in a sometimes unusual way allowing a use 24h / 24h.

For instance, a buildings that brings together businesses, a daycare or school, a fitness club, shops and housing in the same volume is called a multifunctional building.

This mix, if well planned upstream, allows to pool premises, increase the quality of life of users and buildings and reduce construction, management and maintenance costs. When programmatic mix is coupled with the intergenerational mix of housing, new perspectives of interaction open up for the elderly.

Based also on positive experience feedbacks from multifunctional buildings in German-speaking Switzerland, this event will be an opportunity to exchange on the possibilities and opportunities of such buildings in the canton of Geneva relating to the needs and culture of Western Switzerland.

Due to limited space, registration is required before June 20 via the booking form above.

Download the flyer (FR): HERE


Welcome of participants
Opening Words
Rania Al-Baroudi, Director – GCC
Presentation du groupe de compétence MADE / HEPIA
Paola Tosolini, Associate Professor HES, Dr. Architect IUAV EPFL
SIA MAS Architecture and Sustainability EPFL
Head of MADE – HEPIA
Multifunctional buildings
Programmatic mix of buildings: challenges and opportunities
New building typologies and shared spaces
• Mixed-use buildings and innovative interdisciplinary approaches
Multifunctional buildings for the 2000-watt society
Role of cities, cooperatives, foundations and businesses in urban diversity planning
Discussions on expectations and needs into the multifunctional buildings planning
Cocktail and networking


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