
Affiche pour la table ronde ''Penser et construire nos quartiers pour demain''. Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

Penser et construire nos quartiers pour demain

You are invited to a prospective round table on neighborhoods and the role of ESS actors in their development. The discussion will be built in the form of interviews, with the aim of giving voice to the new generation working on these themes, including mobility, food, social…

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Image de robot, pince, innovation, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

Workshop Series: Corporate-Startup Partnering for Success

Les partenaires de la campagne INDUSTRIE-GENÈVE ont le plaisir d’inviter des industriels genevois au premier événement « Au cœur de l’industrie de Genève » afin de rencontrer des experts au cœur de l’industrie et de participer à la table ronde sur la thématique d’un robot dans…

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Open Geneva Image, GCC, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

Open Geneva 2019: Conferences

              Les Conférences Open Geneva, c'est 3 rendez-vous uniques qui auront lieu durant le festival d'innovation ouverte Open Geneva (du 18 au 24 mars 2019) : Cyber Nexus The cyberspace is at a crossroad: digital innovation has…

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Image for corporates startups workshops at the EPFL Innovation Park, GCC, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

Workshop Series: Corporate-Startup Partnering for Success

Given the speed of innovation and the shorter technology lifecycles, both large companies and startups have a vested interest in partnering. Successful alliances can significantly speed up time to market and scaling up, amongst others. However, there are many reasons why such…

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Banner pour la bourse aux idées, sondage entreprises, par le GCC, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

“Bourse aux Idées”: survey for companies

This year, the GCC would like to organize a "Bourse aux idées" to the attention of researchers and companies in order to: 1) Give the opportunity to bearers of ideas or innovative projects to present them to a public of companies, representatives of accelerators, pre-incubators…

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Image de Rekik Abdennadher présentant l'employé augmenté au GCC, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

KEY LEARNINGS : L’Employé Augmenté = (IA + RA)

L’événement "L'Employé Augmenté" avait pour objectif de donner une vue d’ensemble sur les technologies qui constituent la 4e révolution industrielle, en focalisant sur 3 briques technologiques : • l’IA (Intelligence Artificielle), • l’IoT (Internet of Things), • les systèmes…

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Esa, Swiss space center, visual, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

Be a star in ESA’s Universe

The Swiss Space Center with ESA, will organize a roadshow on 7 November at the HEPIA - GENEVA (Haute école du paysage, d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Genève), to promote ESA career opportunities to the Swiss community. This event will allow you to meet different actors in…

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Forum sur l'implantation en Suisse 2018, Poster, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration

12th Forum on Implementation in Switzerland

The forum on implementation in Switzerland (Forum sur l'Implantation en Suisse), organized by the CCI France-Suisse, is aimed at French companies and entrepreneurs looking for information and advice to develop and set up in Switzerland. It is in this context that Rania…

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Affiche pour le ahlohack ''36h pour réinventer le sport outdoor grâce aux nouvelles technologies'', événement genève, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration


36H TO REINVENT OUTDOOR SPORT WITH NEW TECHNOLOGIES! Alohack is a new generation hackathon dedicated to sports and to digital, bringing together players from Greater Geneva, the Lyon region and the Alpine furrow. This is the opportunity to bring together entrepreneurs, experts,…

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SDG Innovation X Change Informative Slide, Geneva Creativity Center, Academia & Industry Innovative Collaboration


This program aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Social Innovation & Social Entrepreneurship to young Chinese and Swiss innovators. The SDG INNOVATION X-CHANGE is organized by the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative at…

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