Call for Champion Ideas

Call for applications / from cutting-edge research to entrepreneurship / Pre-Seed workshop Fribourg 2016

A call for applications for champion ideas is launched to attend the 2016 Pre-Seed workshop (PSW). The workshop specifically targets very early to early high-technology entrepreneurial ideas from all fields and from all over Switzerland. Over a condensed two and a half days approach, the workshop prepares participants for the entry into the existing Swiss start-up promotion ecosystem. Individuals or teams can submit an application form with no admission fees. The workshop is free of charge for accepted idea teams.  The high-technology business idea may or may not have been recently patented, or applicants may have a high-tech business idea but are still wondering about the next steps to take.

The workshop has proven to be a fast and efficient way to vet projects and business ideas and launch pre-seed stage companies.  It has been conducted already thrice in Switzerland and several high-tech for-profit ventures were created or empowered following participation. Champion participants benefit from fast-paced sessions, guidance specifically adapted to their project, support from recognized industry experts from various backgrounds and networking opportunities. At the end of the workshop, participants leave with the business elements of their new venture well structured.

The workshop fills a critical gap between the regional offerings in entrepreneurship training and is designed to fit well between available lighter or heavier support programs already in place.

The event is organized by the SwissCompanyMaker, a partnership between the Swiss Integrative Center for Human Health and the NCCR Chemical Biology.

The event is sponsored by the CTI.

Flyer of the event: here
Application form downloadable: here
Deadline for application: March, 15th 2016
Workshop on: April 12th,13th and 20th, 2016 at blueFACTORY Fribourg-Freiburg
For more info, please contact:
