The Steering Committee

Yves Leuzinger, Director of the High School of Landscaping, Engineering and Architecture (hepia)

Y-LeuzingerYves Leuzinger is the Director of hepia. A biologist and environmental engineer (specialising in soil protection on construction sites) by training, Yves Leuzinger is a pioneer in practical ecology and environmental engineering. In 1982, he founded NATURA, a consultancy in applied biology, where he was director until 2008. Yves Leuzinger has managed many large projects in Switzerland and France. He worked to strengthen vocational training and the merger of two engineering schools in Geneva to form a center of excellence in sustainable development. He took over the leadership of this new entity in January 2009.

Nicolas Aune, Secretary General of the UIG

N-AuneNicolas Aune is the General Secretary of the Geneva Industrial Union (UIG), employers’  association for the industry and a member of the Union of Geneva Employers’ Association (UAPG). An economist who graduated in computer science and business management from the University of Geneva, Nicolas Aune joined the UIG in 2005 after leading a small company in Geneva for over 15 years in the field of mechatronics industry. A UAPG delegate, he sits on various Boards such as HES-SO, OPI, Ifage, CIF, CSME UIGEM, and also chairs the City of Trades and Training.

Didier Raboud, Director of Communication of the University of Geneva

D-RaboudDidier Raboud is director of communications at the University of Geneva (UNIGE). After studying physics at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and gaining a PhD in astrophysics at UNIGE, Didier Raboud embarked on a career in science communication, setting up the “Passerelle Science et Cité” (a gateway between science and society) in 1999 with a biologist colleague. He was then head of the science sections for various media outlets, including Radio Suisse Romande and 24 Heures. After establishing strong links between the Passerelle and UNIGE’s press department, Didier Raboud merged the two bodies in 2005 to create a single communication service, which he has subsequently run. This organisation now handles traditional communication activities such as media relations, print and electronic publications (including “Campus”, the UNIGE magazine), social media, and internal communication. It also manages the outreach campaigns for “Science et Cité” in the form of a variety of events and activities for a wide range of audiences.

Gilles Chevrey, Head Councillor at OPI

G-ChervreyGilles Chevrey holds a diploma of social psychology from the University of Geneva and a diploma of work and organizations related psychology from the University of Neuchâtel. After 4 years as a huma resources manager in an informatics’ services company, he started consulting and training on management for several big companies. Since 2003, he helps SME and Start-ups with their strategy and team organization. He is company assessor and member of the steering committee of the OPI, certified coach by Platinn and expert at CTI Startup. He also gives lectures at the Assessment Center, and provides specialized training in entrepreneurship…

Gilles Triscone, Head of Research Coordination at hepia

G-TrisconeGilles Triscone is an engineer in electronics and a Doctor in Physics from Geneva University. For twelve years, he worked in the field of condensed matter research, then undertook five years at the Swiss Metrology Office (METAS) in the field of metrology of radionuclides in connection with the QA of equipments used in nuclear hospital services. In 1998, he joined hepia (Haute Ecole du Paysage, d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture in Geneva) as a Professor of Physics where he is now coordinator of research.